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City of Wahoo


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Retail Sales of Fireworks


Checklist               Application to Sell Fireworks at Retail          Timeline


The City of Wahoo enacted Ordinance 1780 on October 25, 2001, which sets the procedures, regulations and fees regarding sale of fireworks at retail.

  •  Apply at City Clerk’s office between January 1 and April 1 of each year.
  •  Only one license per calendar year per person or organization. May not be assigned to others. A specific location address must be given on application.
  •  Furnish proof of valid License for Sale of Fireworks from the State of Nebraska.
  •  Complete application form.
  •  Submit a plot plan showing location of stand, address, legal description, setbacks from right-of-way, distance to buildings or structures, and occupancy of nearest structure. (Include area 100 feet around the area to be utilized, and nature of structures in area)
  •  Must pass inspection by personnel of the City to assure it meets City laws, standards, building codes and land use regulations. Applicant shall request inspection not later than June 23rd; inspection will be made within 24 hours after request or on the first working day after request.
  •  Submit a list of persons employed/in charge of the location, these must be over age 19.
  •  Pay application fee of $50.00 (if in NRC, C-1 or C-2 Zoning District--see below for fee and process in other zoning districts) plus occupation tax of $600.00 ($60.00 per day for 10 days).
  •  Pay cash bond of $500.00, refundable if stand is removed and site is cleaned of debris and trash by July 7. If not done within allotted time, the bond is forfeited and is used to pay for removing the stand and cleaning the site.
  •  Indicate Zoning District where stand will be located. Zoning District determines application fee.

If in NRC, C-1, or C-2 district:  Application fee is $50.00. Clerk will issue a permit or denial within 15 days from date of filing.

If in Ag, I-1, or I-2, application fee is $100.00, and must follow provisions of Article 6 of Wahoo Zoning Regulations for obtaining Conditional Use Permits. (Complete application form; fee for Conditional Use Permit application is $250, plus cost of publication of legal notice in newspaper for Planning Commission and City Council meetings. Application for Conditional Use Permit must be filed four weeks prior to Planning Commission meeting to allow for notice of meeting and ownership search. (Regular meetings on the first Thursday of each month.) Application then goes before the City Council. (Regular meetings on the second and fourth Thursday of each month) Council decision issued within 15 days after hearing.)