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City of Wahoo


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Cats, dogs, chickens, ducks, livestock...


Ordinance No. 2305 was adopted by the Wahoo City Council on April 11, 2019. This Ordinance provides for licensing of dogs and cats, as well as other language changes in that code section. See Ord. No. 2305

Section 96.02 now lists Prohibited Animals, which includes livestock, and exotic, unusual and wild animals, as well as poisonous or venomous snakes, lizards, amphibians and reptiles, which may not be kept within the City Limits of Wahoo. The exception would be in areas zoned TA or LLR, of sufficient size to keep livestock. (see Animal units)

The only zoning districts which permit the keeping of livestock are:

TA-Transitional Agricultural (§5.05.02 Permitted uses: agricultural uses, not to exceed one animal unit per acre)

and LLR-Large Lot Residential (§5.06.02 Permitted uses: animals not permitted on the first three acres, limited to one animal unit per acre for every acre over the three-acre minimum)

Animal units are defined in §2.03.34 as follows:

One animal unit = one cow/calf combination; one slaughter or feeder cow; one horse or donkey; one mature dairy cow; one swine, weaned pig, or sow with litter; five sheep or goats; ten laying hens or broilers or other fowl; ten turkeys; ten domesticated ducks or geese; one exotic animal (llama, ostrich, emu)

In addition, the Wahoo Municipal Code prohibits animals from running at large on public right-of-way, public property, or on the property of others.

Feel free to contact the City of Wahoo offices with any questions, 402-443-3222.